Connor David lives and works in endurance. He’s the head instructor at Grind Baseball and founder of Vital Strength and Fitness. His background is helping him.
No matter how many Closer to Free Rides they’ve done, the one moment that touches nearly every rider is the “Smilow Salute” at Smilow Cancer Hospital..
The Closer to Free Ride Day is on Sept. 9 and on that day, not only will more than a thousand riders take to the streets, but there will be a lot of volunteers.
We’re all familiar with the benefits of working out and staying active. For one young cancer survivor, the gym where she works has been a big part of her.
“I worked at a liquor store in college, and he may have come in a time or two, and the rest is history,” said Amy Blanchard of Naugatuck, with a laugh. She.