Three years later, Santos competed in a drag beauty pageant in Rio, Rochard said. Peru anti-government protesters march on capital LIMA - Thousands of Peruvians, many from the country's southern mining regions, descended on the capital Lima for a major planned march against the government and Congress, fired up by over 50 deaths linked to protests since last month. The clashes mark the worst violence Peru has seen in over 20 years as many people in poorer rural regions vent anger at the Lima political elite over inequality and rising prices, testing the copper-rich Andean nation's democratic institutions.
"The media continues to make outrageous claims about my life," said the congressman, who's notorious for having made many outrageous claims about his own life.
AGI - Il suo compositore preferito è “Johann Sebastian Bach, più di tutto gli piacciono i sei concerti brandeburghesi”. Ma ama in generale tutta la musica .
Global law firm King & Wood Mallesons has assisted Lochard Energy on its refinancing worth approximately $1. 3 billion. Firm: King & Wood Mallesons (Lochard Energy). Deal: Lochard Energy has rais
ANCONA - Iniziano a bere alle prime ore del mattino, poi a metà pomeriggio chiamano regolarmente il 118 e si fanno portare all’ospedale. Ecco quello che accade quasi tutti i pomeriggi -.