Cheshire East Council published six reports to consider behaviour before and during the meeting. One concluded Ms Weaver was not acting in an official capacity at these meetings
Cheshire East Council s Audit and Governance Committee concluded there were no formal findings made against any councillor - but it still cost the authority £85,716.
Handforth beats woke comedy hands down
Handforth s has struck a chord not just because of our boredom - it is an exposition of the national character at its most petty
20 February 2021 • 5:04pm
Wednesday nights just ain’t what they used to be. Last week, I along with thousands of others, tuned in to a long-awaited public spectacle. Not a coronavirus press conference, bullfight or football match, but the latest instalment in the Handforth Parish Council saga.
The original video is beyond parody: suffice to say that I ended up pulling an abdominal muscle from hysterical laughter. It offered the full English of slapstick and audio-visual farce – low quality cameras, spluttering mics, random background noises. Within hours of its emergence, it was trending and – like a Cheshire version of Kim Kardashian’s bottom – it was threatening to “break the internet”.