The Benghazi blueprint matches up right down to the fact that there's no there there, in terms of a criminal White House cover up. It "doesn't add up to much of a scandal," wrote Michael Hirsh at Politico this week, reviewing the facts of Benghazi to date. "But it's already too late for the truth. Benghazi has taken on…
and so this is i interviewed someone who knows a lot about these kinds of views and describes them as clinton crazies. he has said some things that are to me particularly alarming about nuclear war. he didn t think that it was such a problem to drop the bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima because actually it was good for the japanese health outside of the blast zone because he thinks that nuclear radiation is good for people. he just has, you know, views of people who are living in kind of a bubble and he s a very cut-off person. he reads things that reinforce his own philosophy. he discounts everything else. he sounds like donald trump. honestly. well, maybe there s a reason that the two of them came together. and one of the things that you learn when you ve studied what this family, the mercers have been funding, is they have since 2012 in particular been
fired up by donald trump. it used to ebe called the clinton crazies in the 1990s. you see in the latest zogby poll, the majority of republican voters believe obama is muslim, they don t believe he s christian. what they got a taste of last night was the misogynist attacks on hillary clinton, a. do you think there s a deeply racial animus and violence subtext? and we can t say enough, the crowd really loved it. and they hate their leadership. they hate paul ryan, who, you know, was supposed to be the follower of ayn rand but just passed a big government budget. they lost with john mccain, mitt romney was supposed to be getting rid of barack obama. it plays into a violent subtext. i think that s where the party is. i guess i question, if you
in the chris matthews special, it shows that when trump first emerged, it was as a champion of the birther movement. that tells you a lot about what s underneath this. his followers are not especially right wing. they re angry and they re filled with hate. i guess i wonder, is this not a double edged sword? beyond the question about where the country is headed, in a certain segment of america that s deeply disenfranchised, what are the strategies that donald trump is ready to deploy at any moment? he is friends with someone named roger stone who has said all kinds of questionable things about chelsea s paternity, the right wing conspiracy machine around the clintons could be fired up by donald trump. it used to be called the clinton crazies in the 1990s. you see in the latest zogby poll, the majority of republican voters believe obama is muslim,