Pondering Climate Change In A Red State Already Known For Its Melting Glaciers
Even when state leadership is lacking, scientists say in this op-ed, progress can still be made in confronting impacts by focussing on local issues with local expertise
Here, a researcher stands in the terminal, lowest-elevation segment of Sperry Glacier in Glacier National Park, Montana. Sperry is one of five benchmark glaciers being closely studied by the USGS to track the retreat of their size and mass. This photograph was taken in September 2020 by researcher Dr. Caitlyn Florentine, who is based out of the USGS s Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in Bozeman. By visiting the following link, you can see a simulated map of Sperry s retreat in size since 1960. Go to https:www2.usgs.gov/landresources/lcs/glacierstudies/sperry.asp