"It’s been months since there’s been a drop of rain, consequently, there were no olives and it’s a terrible year for viticulture. At a rough guess, they will have about a quarter of the usual grape harvest."
Climate Action Alliance of the Valley weekly climate, energy news roundup: April 17
Published Saturday, Apr. 17, 2021, 9:34 pm
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The Weekly Roundup of Climate and Energy News for the week ending April 17 follows. Please forward the Roundup to anyone you think might be interested. For an archive of prior posts, visit the CAAV website.
Politics and Policy
Biden proposed $14Bn for initiatives to fight climate change in his 2022 budget. 300+ businesses and investors called on his administration to cut US greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% below 2005 levels by 2030. A new series of briefs by RMI provides insights into how to get there. An international energy company executives’ panel said the move to renewable energy is unstoppable, although investments in nuclear power, ca