Freeman Shaheen, President of Chevron Global Gas, stresses the need for regulatory certainty, the ability to attract capital and long-term offtake agreements to avert future energy crises.
Missing from the debate about reducing carbon emissions is a real sense of what a lower carbon future might look like for the fossil fuel industry. In Canada, the federal energy regulator has offered its opinion – and it’s not all doom and gloom. [Gas in Transition, Volume 3, Issue 6]
The regulations, first promised by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government in 2016, are designed to reduce pollution by making fuels in gasoline and diesel cleaner.
The regulations, first promised by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government in 2016, are designed to reduce pollution by making fuels in gasoline and diesel cleaner.
China is already on track to emit the most coal-fired power emissions in history in 2023, but may now push coal use up another gear after the manufacturing sector unexpectedly contracted in April following a strong start to the year.