Prabha Atre, a globally renowned Hindustani classical vocalist, passed away at the age of 92 in her Pune home just before a scheduled concert in Mumbai. Despite having degrees in science and law, she became a prominent figure in Indian classical music, particularly associated with the Kirana Gharana.
the daytime on saturday was marked by ‘vat pournima’ festival, reflecting the respect for grandeur of banyan tree, full moon, and indian tradition. as the day slipped happily into the cosiness of night, the maestroes rose like moon and emitted silken rays of their performances, illuminating the rich banyan tree of the indian classical art forms. the connoiseurs and impressionable children, who had gathered at vnit auditorium for the ‘classical overnight’ concert ‘shruti amrut’ that marked the conclusion of
Mumbai-based Ananya Bhowmick was inclined to music since her childhood days but she never got the chance to professionally train and pursue her aspirations. Ananya now 39, is living her passion for music as a teacher with Artium Academy - an online music education platform with Padma Shri/Bhushan Awards winning maestros such as Sonu Nigam, Shubha Mudgal, Aruna Sairam, KS