Mariah Castro, Dennis Daquioag, Jr., Kevin-Clark Labador, Sarah Lukela
Almost 2,000 recipients, the most ever, received Hawaiʻi Promise scholarship aid from the University of HHawaiʻi’s seven community colleges for the 2020-21 academic year. Nearly $3 million was awarded with an average of $1,551 given to 1,900 recipients who qualified for resident tuition and showed financial need.
Students are first awarded Pell grants,
UH scholarships and private scholarships before being awarded a Hawaiʻi Promise scholarship for unmet direct costs such as tuition, fees, books, supplies and local transportation. A high percentage of recipients are underrepresented students.
The scholarship can be life changing. Some recent graduates who were multi-year recipients recently wrote about what the Hawaiʻi Promise scholarship did for them.