McKenzie Correy Adams f.t.a., 10 days waive fine/cost
David Zachary Bargery theft of property conduct involving merchandise, 11/29 susp to t.s., $115.18 restitution, waive costs, no Walmart, unsupervised
Michael Kevin Bartee theft all other u/1000, burglary amended to theft under 1,000, 11/29 susp to t.s., cost, no Walmart, unsupervised
Corey Lashane Biggs burglary, waive prelim, bindover
Michael Deshon Bolden resist, stop, frisk, halt, poss sched I w/ intent, bindover
Stephen Wayne Dowdy v.o.p. 4, 60 days, pay costs, ext probation, restart screens
Devon L Herron agg. aslt, dismissed with cost
Jeffery Hicks f.t.r. to jail, 11/29 susp. to 30 days, waive costs, consecutive to v.op., 30 plus 30 plus balance of time owed
James Richardson vs Gina Richardson
Tony L Wiley vs Tina Joy Wiley
William Andrew Cross vs Amanda Marie Cross
Misty Dawn Teeter vs Kirby Joe Teeter
Marsha Kiddy vs Henry Kiddy
Kresta Jo Cook vs Amy Alexandria Cook
City of Dyersburg
Feb. 1-5
Heather Brook Davis - domestic assault, 11/29 susp to t.s., costs, no contact w/victim, unsupervised
Heather Brook Davis - fta, 11/29 susp to 15 days, waive costs, consecutive, 15 days total
Kyle Hunt - fail to report to jail, 11/29 susp to 10 days, consecutive to time owed, waive costs
Sabrina Ashley Johnson - driving while lic can/sus/rev, 6 mos susp, waive costs, assume old fines/cost