Extremely frigid weather with temperatures at about minus 50 degrees Celsius has set in in Batagai, Verkhoyansk, Zhigansk, Kyusyur, Oymyakon, Polyarny, Ust-Nera and Ytyk-Kyuel
As rising Arctic temperatures cause permafrost to thaw, more ancient creatures will be discovered in the ice but scientists warn those finds could come at a great cost.
By Laura McQuillan · CBC News
Millions of tonnes of carbon and methane, trapped in permafrost for thousands of years, could be released
A near-perfectly preserved baby woolly mammoth in Yukon is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, when it comes to finding prehistoric creatures long buried i
Thawing of the permafrost amid rising temperatures, much of it caused by human activity, will have a serious impact on infrastructure in the Arctic region and will cost billions of dollars to rectify, scientific papers say.