can you make the case is still worth it to take out loans to get the education? guest: that is a great question. it is a lot we have heard about in the press in the last few months. months. if you want to compete , maybe college is not for everyone. but some post-secondary education, all the statistics say education will pay off in the end. that is not just in economic terms. for society, with fewer people requiring medical care, who are in jail, lower crime rates, higher tax revenue. for individuals in particular, there is no other strong indicator of your financial success in life than the amount of education. host: justin draeger, ceo of the association of financial aid administrators. there website is linked to hours if you want to check out what they re doing. guest: host: we have one story to show you before we leave. one of pakistan s most wanted military commanders has been killed in an american drone strike. officials said they were aware that reports co