Remember, God can handle our whys. In other words, God can handle our questions, and even our anger. It won’t threaten Him, diminish Him or embarrass Him. In fact, it won’t even surprise Him, for the Bible declares He already knows the secrets of our hear.
It’s not a sin to believe in yourself; it’s an expectation of the Creator God who formed you in His own image and likeness, filled you with His Holy Spirit, and has perfectly equipped you to perform every good work created for you to walk in. .
It is not a sin to experience fear, but what someone does with the fear they experience can help draw them closer to God, or make their relationship with Him weaker. .
Jesus gave further explanation of the difference between a good fruit bearer and one who produces bad fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles. A healthy tree bears good fruit and a diseased tree bears bad fruit. .
It is easy for any of us to be the overcommitted Christian. We think that this helps our witness for Christ, showing that we are a team player, involved, and active. However, it can often hurt our witness if we are shallow, burnt out, and ultimately not l.