The marriage ceremony at The Nest, an upmarket and exclusive venue in Harare, was dubbed wedding-of-the-year in Zimbabwe last year. It was attended by the who-is-who in the local social scene, cost a staggering US$500 000; the sort of money some companies in the country declare as annual profit. The event, which reverberated across the
THEIR marriage ceremony at The Nest, an upmarket and exclusive venue in Harare, was dubbed wedding-of-the-year in Zimbabwe last year.It was attended by the who-.
THEIR marriage ceremony at The Nest, an upmarket and exclusive venue in Harare, was dubbed wedding-of-the-year in Zimbabwe last year.It was attended by the who-.
.Davido's friends wanted for drug trafficking Prophet Faith Ugochi, and a Harare-based celebrity couple, Dani Danielle Simba Allen and Igho Ubiribo Tiny