A geographically, philosophically, and linguistically diverse spectrum of terror networks are becoming more antagonistic towards the second-largest economy in t
A geographically, philosophically, and linguistically diverse spectrum of terror networks are becoming more antagonistic towards the second-largest economy in t
Executive Summary The re-emergence of the Chinese “security for hire” industry which is deeply rooted in Chinese history and trade practices is largely a result of the beginning of market reforms in the 1980s and China’s growing integration into global trade. Since 2013, after the inauguration of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), discussions on the use (and methods of use) of …
A private Australian businessman is preparing to sell a chain of 21 coral atolls located some 500 nm to the northeast of Cairns, Australia - to Chines.
For a small country facing issues ranging from climate change to mass unemployment, Micronesia may have no desire to be the center of the Pacific’s newest geopolitical struggle.