As per the latest updates, the internet and the trade analysts of the film fraternity have shared information that RRR movie has emerged as the third highest-grossing Indian film in the world. The movie made more than Rs 1300 Crore from all over the world, standing third in place after Baahubali 2 and Dangal.
Actual Villain Is Supposed To Be Somebody Else: Karthik DanduThe director, who was seen talking to several entertainment news portals about the movie during the promotions revealed that the villain is actually not supposed to be Nandini but someone else.
According to the latest update, RRR in Japan has officially become the first film in the international films category to register the highest number of footfalls, which is over 1 million.
The RRRs official Twitter account posted a picture and wrote, Its been a year since #RRRMovie was released and it is still running in theatres somewhere in the world, getting housefuls.