Please turn off your Electronic Devices may we all rise for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all madam president id like to take roll and please do inspector. Commissioner president loftus commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara madam president you have a quorum and with us is the chief of police kwhoufr and joyce hicks. Good evening to everyone and those watching welcome to the april 8, 2015, Police Commission meeting inspector the first line item. The consent calendar received and file action. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation of 25 hundreds from Boston Properties for the special partitioned bureau request the chief of police to accept a 10 year old quarter hours for booze utilization by the mounting unit. Colleagues youll see two items for consideration on the consen
Commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara madam president you have a quorum and with us is the chief of police kwhoufr and joyce hicks. Good evening to everyone and those watching welcome to the april 8, 2015, Police Commission meeting inspector the first line item. The consent calendar received and file action. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation of 25 hundreds from Boston Properties for the special partitioned bureau request the chief of police to accept a 10 year old quarter hours for booze utilization by the mounting unit. Colleagues youll see two items for consideration on the consent calendar which the inspector has laid out ill note not bans of caution one of the donation is signatory is john laughing ton the former sfpd my husbands second cousin for purposes of disclosure any questions for the chief no do i have a motion. So moved. Second. All in favor, say i. Opposed . Motion passes inspector the next line item. Line item general Pub
And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all madam president id like to take roll and please do inspector. Commissioner president loftus commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara madam president you have a quorum and with us is the chief of police kwhoufr and joyce hicks. Good evening to everyone and those watching welcome to the april 8, 2015, Police Commission meeting inspector the first line item. The consent calendar received and file action. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation of 25 hundreds from Boston Properties for the special partitioned bureau request the chief of police to accept a 10 year old quarter hours for booze utilization by the mounting unit. Colleagues youll see two items for consideration on the consent calendar which the inspector has laid out ill note not bans of caution one of the d
Allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all madam president id like to take roll and please do inspector. Commissioner president loftus commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara madam president you have a quorum and with us is the chief of police kwhoufr and joyce hicks. Good evening to everyone and those watching welcome to the april 8, 2015, Police Commission meeting inspector the first line item. The consent calendar received and file action. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation of 25 hundreds from Boston Properties for the special partitioned bureau request the chief of police to accept a 10 year old quarter hours for booze utilization by the mounting unit. Colleagues youll see two items for consideration on the consent calendar which the inspector has laid out ill note not bans of caution o
Intervention so we can eradicate those types of idea and behavior that has a terrible impact on the black community when someone does something associating they think what theyre doing is justified thats the problem unless you understand that to not be racist is a conscious decision something to be mindful all the time youre going to react to that unconscious stimulus im asking for i think i have good faith in the leadership on this board we can look at very, very pragmatic and effective policies best practices throughout the country how we eradicate radios it behavior on our police force clapping . Next speaker good evening. Madam president and Board Members im a Community Activist vice chair to San Francisco integrate council and Baptist Church im here to say today, this has got to stop we need you to be like an investigator with a twoway mirror one mirror to see what happens in the department and in the community and neither one is talking to each other the time has come to stop tho