Santa Cruz, CA (PRWEB) August 18, 2022 The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) is proud to announce a partnership with Dr Hen Says
May 29, 1972 saw the founding of sovereign Malta’s first-ever Maltese-run and Maltese-commanded military flying unit. The unit in question was of ‘f
The Good Men Project
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The Hidden Epidemic of Compulsive Hair Pulling
Whether hair pulling, skin picking or cheek biting, body-focused repetitive behaviours blight many people’s lives. How can science help us understand and treat these distressing conditions better?
Christina Pearson was 14 years old when she started pulling out her hair, creating bald patches on her head. She was taken to a psychiatrist, but in 1970 there was no name for her disorder, and certainly no treatment.