sliding. someone didn t hear. reporter: right behind him, the driver of this honda accord couldn t stop. her vehicle was totalled. she walked away unharmed. i tapped on the brakes and i realized, i m going to hit this gu i stopped. i tried to stop and ended up hitting him. and then that truck up the got hit. it was really scary. eventually salt trucks started to roll but most of the collisions had already occurred. near the montgomery county line, there were a sires of crashes that had 270 closed. traffic backed up for miles. this suv was the first to go. but its driver walk away from a collision with a semi. the whole bridges iced up when i went over it, i lost control of the car. three more vehicles crashed behind it. one taking out a light pole. fortunately, no one here was seriously injured. even though a few people were hospitalized in some of the acdents, in all of them police tell us noerious injuries. reporting live from germantown, maryland. the temper