Today's self-help books are increasingly surface-level and application-oriented, compared to the nuanced and thought-provoking books of the 1900s. Here's why every adult should read children's books.
How many times a day do you either ask or respond to the phrase, “So, how’s it going?” It is a quick way to connect with others, and the expectation is a simple reply, such as, “Life is good." But then we look at our calendars and, to our surprise, realize that we are in the last half of the year! Where did 2022 go?In January, as a new year began, we thought of the many things we were going to do and experience because we had so much time. We documented goals for our professional roles and personal lives. Given that it is August, what is your real response to “So, how’s it going?” What progress have you made toward those big January goals? What has worked? What has surprised you? What unanticipated detours have you taken? What new opportunities have surfaced?As the summer winds down and we move closer to 2023, it is a good time to reflect on where you see yourself relative to your January view. As you head into a new season, do a quick review and refresh of your goal