Henry County Public Schools Board Member Terri Flanagan (Horsepasture District) was recognized for her service on the board with a retirement celebration.
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Calendar items may be sent to accent@martinsvillebulletin.com, brought to the office at 19 E. Church St., Martinsville or mailed to P.O. Box 3711, Martinsville, VA, 24115. Dates and times must
Calendar items may be sent to accent@martinsvillebulletin.com, brought to the office at 19 E. Church St., Martinsville or mailed to P.O. Box 3711, Martinsville, VA, 24115. Dates and times must
Calendar items may be sent to accent@martinsvillebulletin.com, brought to the office at 19 E. Church St., Martinsville or mailed to P.O. Box 3711, Martinsville, VA, 24115. Dates and times must