Organizers of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the world’s oldest and most important animation festival, revealed Thursday that all the big U.S. studio animation players will be in attendance this year to preview some of their most exciting upcoming titles. Annecy has long been a launch point for global and indie animation, but over …
03/11/2021 - The French film centre will also lend its support to first fiction features by Léa Todorov and Stephan Castang, as well as the animated project Le Noël des animaux
03/11/2021 - The French film centre will also lend its support to first fiction features by Léa Todorov and Stephan Castang, as well as the animated project Le Noël des animaux
03/11/2021 - The French film centre will also lend its support to first fiction features by Léa Todorov and Stephan Castang, as well as the animated project Le Noël des animaux