By Molly Burgess2021-05-04T08:14:00+01:00
The American Welding Society has launched a new initiative to target students and early career welders.
Dubbed “AWS Certified”, the initiative hopes to ensure that a next generation of a welding workforce is developed.
For over a century, AWS has been supporting the advancement and standardisation of welding and allied joining and cutting practices, and those who have been in the welding industry understand the value of an AWS Certification credential.
The AWS Certified initiative shines a light on the importance of AWS Certifications.
Becoming AWS Certified ensures that as the next generation of our welding workforce is developed, the integrity of how welding processes and procedures are performed will remain as consistent as our century-young organisation.
American Welding Society Launches “AWS Certified” to Reach Younger Workforce
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Welding is among the most crucial and essential skilled trades that impact everyday life, yet the number of skilled welding technicians and professionals continue to decrease. To impact this decline, the American Welding Society has launched a new initiative targeting students and early career welders, titled AWS Certified. Becoming AWS Certified ensures that as the next generation of our welding workforce is developed, the integrity of how welding processes and procedures are performed will remain as consistent as our century-young organization. AWS Certified targets welding students and early career welders.