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During Pandemic Peak, Psychiatric Patients Were Rushed Into Institutions
Plastiras would not say how many transferred patients had COVID-19 at the time, nor provide information on patients ages.
As New York State hospitals began to fear the worst last spring that the pace of the coronavirus would overtake their ability to discharge patients and clear beds they had to decide what to do with people being admitted for acute psychiatric care.
As New York State hospitals began to fear the worst last spring that the pace of the coronavirus would overtake their ability to discharge patients and clear beds they had to decide what to do with people being admitted for acute psychiatric care.
In the second week of March 2020, only 325 New Yorkers had tested positive for COVID-19 but images from abroad and the pace of infection outlined a worrying forecast. By the end of the week, New York would confirm its first casualty from a virus that has deeply strained the health-care system and claimed more than 51,000 lives statewide.