The Special Cell of Delhi Police on Friday arrested one person, the mastermind in connection with Mohali Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG) attack on the intelligence building of Punjab Police earlier this year.
about 6000. they wanted to stay because the stalemate i just described was acceptable to the. and in their national interest rate also, our entire national security team, military, central intelligence agencies and others to include many of his diplomats also recommended that we stay. this was acceptable to have the stalemate. that left us with three cia basis, multiple military bases to execute all of that. we were not fighting the war against the taliban. we had stopped fighting in 2014, some seven years before. but president biden told the american people that the choice he faced was this, we either withdraw completely or we stay here and i have to put thousands of troops back into afghanistan to fight the war against the taliban. that was a false choice.