Kota Kinabalu: There is drastic need for the State Government to provide, improve and maintain basic infrastructure to support investments, more so Sabah-based ones that can lower construction costs and provide employment for locals.
Kota Kinabalu: Awang Ahmad said reports of an integrated cement plant being planned in Tongod is good news as this will ensure no more cement shortage in future and put the State on par with Sarawak.
What should have been a priority for Sabah decades ago – the State’s own manufacturing facility to supply reliable cement at reasonable price for the numerous construction projects statewide – finally became a reality, here, on Monday.
Borneo Oil Berhad (BornOil) hosted a “Kiln Firing Up Ceremony” to mark the commissioning of Sabah’s First Integrated Clinker and Cement Manufacturing Plant (ILPP).
BornOil Executive Director Datuk Joseph Ambrose Lee said it was largely possible due to BornOil’s recent acquisition of 30 per cent equity in Makin Teguh Sdn Bhd (MTSB) which owns the ILPP. ILPP is in the business of manufacturing and trading of clinker, cement and related products.
Currently, there are 12 integrated clinker and cement plants in Malaysia with 11 in West Malaysia and one in Sarawak. Until now, Sabah’s cement needs have been met by Cement Industries Sabah which does not manufacture cement and had been unable t