Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal recently melted hearts by revealing his phone wallpaper featuring a childhood photo of his wife, Katrina Kaif. Fans were quick to swoon over the adorable gesture, sparking speculation about the possible arrival of "baby Kaushal." The couple s endearing relationship has captivated audiences since their marriage in December 2021, with Vicky s latest revelation adding to their charm.
"I still remember the day when we returned after the scan. While I was ecstatic to see my babies growing and their organs developing, I also met with a car accident," said the actor.
Lindsay Lohan is overwhelmed in a good way. The "Mean Girls" star in the latest issue of Allure, and in it she opens up about her pregnancy and how she shared the news with her husband, Bader Shammas. [readmore label="READ MORE: " link="" text="Lindsay Lohan Shows Off Her Baby Bump While Enjoying Some Summer Sun" /]…