guess what since nineteen hundred and thirty eight, the republican two point lead on the generic congressional ballot is the best position forlo republicans at this point in any midterm cycle in over 80 years. my estimate for the twentyup twenty three house make if the election were held today which again it isn t we stiller have five months. m on five months from tomorrow would be republicans 200morr thirty six seats to two hundrede and forty one seats. democrats wonmo ninety four to a one hundred ninety nine . that is a stomping or that would be a stop. yes. yes it would and yes of course it s biden who is the drag in nineteen sixty two the president s approval rating jfk 71% bill clinton in nineteen ninety eight it was 63%. is just was 63%. why is his approval rating so low? well i think this slide willh give you the answer. this is the net approval ratingp on the economy at this point in a presidency. joe biden minus. twenty six points. that is the lowest high f
Intel, which is looking to build a global semiconductor business to compete with its Asian-based rivals, could be getting help from key global investment firms.