El TSJC demana al govern que exposi els arguments per continuar amb les mesures restrictives en bars, restaurants i discoteques Els Castellers de Vilafranca lamenten la prohibició per Sant Fèlix
El Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès y los administradores de la fiesta mayor han anunciado que, debido al hecho de que la Generalitat de Catalunya no ha validado
Les diferències de criteri entre la Coordinadora de la Colles Castelleres de Catalunya i dues colles capdavanteres com els Castellers de Vilafranca i la Colla Vella, marquen l espera per tornar a l activitat Valls serà l escenari de la primera actu
the people of the group is to know that the position and the practice. because of the element of danger, paramedics are on standby at the concurs. in ville la franca, they take castelling seriously. often practicing into the night. we practice three times a week here in our building to be sure that when we go a place to do a structure, it will be a good structure. we don t fall down. and it s that kind of communal commitment that continues to keep the castellers of villa franca the top dogs of this tradition. from traditions to innovations. the triathlon, a test of endurance involving swimming, biking, running, and for a few crazy few, juggling. i mean, if you re sitting there worried about drops, you ll never get far.
the people of the group is to know the position and the practice. because of the element of danger, paramedics are on standby at the concurs. in ville la franca, they take castelling seriously. often we into the well into the night. we practice three times a week here in our building to be sure that when we go a place to do a structure, it will be a good structure. we don t fall down. and it s that kind of communal commitment that continues to keep the castellers of villa franca the top dogs of this tradition. from traditions to innovations. the triathlon, a test of endurance involving swimming, biking, running, and for a few crazy few, juggling. i mean, if you re sitting there worried about drops, you ll never get far.