Late in the afternoon on Thursday last week, the Social Security Administration released its annual trustees’ report. As is often the case when government entities have bad news to report, they do so on a schedule that makes it easier to bury the information.
This briefing gives you an idea of how to get to the importantfacts behind the obvious in order to get a real picture of SocialSecurity's financial outlook.
2007 during a debate in the presidential primary back when democrats had presidential primaries. so let me come back to you veronique on this. we heard candidate ka clinton at that time saying she didn t want to raise that cap. many on the left suggest that as a kind of solution. she says look it constitutes a tax increase. it s a major tax increase it is. it wouldn t actually fix the overall problem of insolvency. just to give you an idea of the scale, the program is running a cash flow deficit since 2010 which means the payroll tax doesn t cover all the benefits and will never again unless we raise the payroll tax a significant amount. but worse, the benefits can only be paid using the trust fund as long as there s a balance. that trust fund is going to be