You can take a look. I will be on the daily show with trevor noah, if all my travel goes okay including the many flights ive been taking just about every single day. Im looki ing forward to being back on trevors show. If youre in the area, it would be great if you could come by. I might see some of you in a little bit in seattle. That is all for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show does not start right now apparently. So she is there. There you are. I am here, sorry. It was actually me and a member of our ground crew both here about to start the show together. Perfect. Go to it, then. Thank you very much. Thanks to everybody who works here who has such patient with me arriving at the set usually four seconds before this camera turns on, tonight, arriving four seconds after the camera turned on. Very sorry about that. As you might imagine, as you might be able to tell from my composure right now we have a big show tonight. We have here tonight live the former Secretary General of nato.
this is a national poll, a first look at these new results. here s the question, quote do you think that members of donald trump s campaign team worked in association with russia to help trump win the election? turns out a plurality of voters s says, narrowly, yes, i believe donald trump s campaign worked with russia to help him get elect. 44% of the country believes that. 42% does not. that s good to know. the follow-up. if it turcns out if an investigation does turn up conclusive evidence the trump campaign colluded with russia to manipulate our election, do voters have a clear idea of what should then happen next. turns out they do. this is the second part of that question. ppp asks, quote, if evidence comes out that proves conclus e conclusively members of donald trump s campaign team worked in association with russia to help trumwin the election, should
ing any sort of democratic liberal values western order. all stinstitutions that support that russia sees them as the enemy. they will do anything to undermine them as best they can and when they have the momentum and advantage they will take it. that russian idea by defeating your adversaries by splitting them up, promoting divisions among them and within them, it seems almost ridiculous to think about it. that strategy extends to us in america in a very specific way. you may have heard about the newly energized current federation of thealifornia paratist movement? there have been low-key low profile california in sur reksus insurrectionsist movements for year, conservative parts of california that say california should split up and the liberal
and right ring separatists got invited to moscow for a kremlin funded event called the globalization of russia. look it up. you will signed links to the independent republic of california, with a link. and the calexited founder that the separatists office space is being loaned to him in moscow free of charge. he said he doesn t actually know who owns the office space, privately owned who can tell but nice to have free office space for his california separatist movement he s running from russia. that is a ridiculous story, right? it is a ridiculous idea, cart n