New hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage, chairman ray buckley. We have a message for Christopher Sun knew knew. 2018 is coming. Yesterday we launched a project to keep sun knew knew accountable for his out of touch policies that are favoring his families, and his friends and corporate interests. Were tired of his double speak, and his policies are hurting New Hampshire, education, the economy, health care, the environment and ethics. And we cant hold them accountable alone. We need your help. So follow sununureality on twitter. Like sununu reality. Com to hold them accountable. Chris sununu won by 2 in 2016. So lets get to work and make sure he loses by far more than 2 in 2018. So is everyone clear . Everyone clear what our focus is . For the next 11 months. Good afternoon democrats. Were joined by congressman delaney, tim ryan, and vice chair grace mann, congresswoman and our extraordinary senator Maggie Hassen. So tonights dinner is a chance to pause and reflect on the y