Any parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or older sibling knows how fast toddlers are once they learn how to run.
One Athol family with twins has to be twice as attentive as both children like to quickly get to where they're going and climb over obstacles if needed. It can be even more difficult keeping tabs on the turbo toddlers as one child, "Owen," has autism and the other, "Tilly," is developmentally delayed.
TSLN Rep: Scott Dirk Date of Sale: Sept. 17, 2023Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Averages:Weanling Colts – $2,890Weanling Fillies – $2,764Saddle Horse – $12,623Pony – $3,500Brood Mare – $4,800 Another very nice sale for the Sugar Bars.