Benjamin Franklin Innovation Award at 8th Wharton DC Innovation Summitto Eric Lundgren, Energy Tech Pioneer Washington, DC - At the 8th Annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit on July 14, 2022, Eric Lundgren, an American leader in Sustainable Battery Innovation, will receive this year’s Benjamin Franklin Innovation Award. Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chair, says, “Eric Lundgren is an apt choice for
PRESS ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 29, 202150th Annual Wharton DC Joseph Wharton Award Dinner:Honors Six Outstanding Wharton Alums Who Are Public & Private Leaders For More Information, please call Alan Schlaifer,Summit Chair, at (301) 365-8999, anschlaifer@whartondc.comwww.WhartonDC.comWashington, DC: The Wharton Club of DC
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, June 11, 2021 WASHINGTON, DC: The Wharton DC Innovation Summit, "Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World," concluded its first day. Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chair, says, "We had three outstanding panels: top level keynotes, healthcare, and the longevity economy. Experts at each session focused on trends and the
PRESS ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 6, 20217th Annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit June 10-12, 14-16, 2021:“Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World”Reinvented to Help Businesses Move ForwardFor More Information, please call Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chair, at (301) 365-8999, &
PRESS ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 30, 20217th Annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit June 10-12, 14-16, 2021:“Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World”Opens with Top Keynote PanelFor More Information, please call Alan Schlaifer,Summit Chair, at (301) 365-8999,