these justices to face intimidation and of course, democrats really only carebo about power. and this year there is no way they can run on their record. it s soo atrocious. so now buckle up because we re about to face a steady stream of hysteria now for o the next six months right heree with reaction. adama senate candidate laxalt, who also like dr. oz tonight has the endorsement of president trump. fifty five and zero in terms of endorsements that he s won is pretty impressive. how important h is donald trumps endorsement in your case? we saw what happened in ohio and dr. oz tonight .gh you know, i m so honored toe have had the president s endorsement from the first week of this campaign and you know, the bottom line is elections this year aren t about just electing republicans. we need to elect fighting conservatives and president trump knows just like our voters in my state a know that i m fighting conservative. we fought against the obama
0 ,you re allowed to vote forar marjorie taylor greene even if the atlantic magazine in the new york times don t like her opinions because that s wait for it democracyneli. so there s a victory we should celebrate and that s the end of our week. ones have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love. the governor s race crtv in california, a man with a chance to win joins us monday.e we ll see you then. y on hannity . this is a fox news alert. the foot president of the united states donald trumpat is on stage in pennsylvania ates a huge rally in spite of what was heavy rains forhe republican senate candidateav d. mehmet oz. now it has been raining nonstopa all day, but that has not stopped locals from turning outs in force. there live we ll take you there live in just a moment. but first we contrast and we turn to the washington swamp where our current president can barely do anything muchhd less hold a massive rally against thirty eight people atn his last event in new hampshire or w