U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 1.8% on Friday. The Dow traded up 0.49% to 38,705.29 while the NASDAQ rose 1.81% to 15,639.81. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 1.20% to 4,965.03.
U.S. stocks traded mixed this morning, with the Dow Jones index falling around 150 points on Friday. Following the market opening Friday, the Dow traded down 0.39% to 38,370.46 while the NASDAQ rose 0.56% to 15,447.53. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.18% to 4,914.99.
U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining over 200 points on Friday. The Dow traded up 0.19% to 38,593.49 while the NASDAQ rose 1.55% to 15,600.39. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.97% to 4,953.70.
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Dow Jones index gaining more than 100 points on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.27% to 37,967.81 while the NASDAQ rose 0.31% to 15,358.70. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.23% to 4,850.71.