The Salvation Army is collecting school supplies and back packs for children in need through August 20. Children from Carson City, Douglas County and the surrounding communities will receive school supplies and back packs as needed.
Several hundred made their way Wednesday evening to the 9-11 Memorial at Mills Park for a remembrance of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorists attacks on American soil, paying tribute to those who lost their lives with words, song, prayer and hope.
The Salvation Army serving Carson City and Douglas County has begun the second phase of its capital campaign to raise $1.2 million needed to move from its Colorado Street location in Carson City to a bigger place.
For the third straight year, MJ’s Sports Bar in Carson City is winner of the Battle of the Bars Toy Drive for the Salvation Amy, with patrons and employees having collected 145 toys.
As families continue to deal with rising food prices, they're turning to organizations that can help, but some of the them are struggling to get enough donations.