Random: Japanese Café Introduces Limited-Time Only Ace Attorney-Themed Menu
When it comes to Ace Attorney and food, what comes first to most people s minds is the series slightly strange localisation of common Japanese foodstuffs into American dishes, like Maya s love for ramen being translated as burgers . But we re not here to split
hairs noodles about whether or not a burger is a type of sushi we re here to tell you about the Capcom Café s new menu!
This is the merch, not the food. Please do not eat these things
Located in Saitama, Japan, the Capcom Café is known for its video game-themed dishes, including Resident Evil drinks and Mega Man curries. They ve done Ace Attorney collaborations before, including one that s currently running, which has a tissue box that looks like Edgeworth s cravat. Yes, it s a very specific piece of merch, and yes, we really want it.