EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
Computacenter [CCC.UK] +3% (prelim earnings),
Kainos Group [KNOS.UK] +19% (trading update),
Cineworld [CINE.UK] -4% (New James Bond film postponed)
Italy PM Conte said to be considering the possibility of elections if he was unable to reassemble a workable majority in parliament
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF)cut its 2021 GDP growth from 5.7% to 4.4% ( Note: ECB Dec Staff Forecast is 3.9%) while raising the 2022 GDP growth from 2.4% to 3.7%. It cut 2021 HICP (EU Harmonized CPI) from 1.0% to 0.9% while maintaining 2022 HICP (EU Harmonized CPI) at 1.3%
Japan Cabinet Office (Govt) Jan Economic Report maintained overall economic assessment that the domestic economy remained in a severe situation despite signs of improvement. Raised its view on capex and housing while cutting view on private consumption and business conditions