LINCOLN, Neb. The Nebraska Soybean Board is proud to announce its funding support for the upcoming 2024 Summer Soybean Institute, inviting 20 middle school and high school educators to delve into the fascinating world of soybeans..
A new federal jobs program aims to mobilize tens of thousands of young Americans to address the growing threats of climate change. The American Climate Corps is modeled after public works programs created during the Great Depression, with a new focus on building green energy and climate resilience. U.S. .
In rural Alabama, where hurricanes and tornadoes are a constant threat, communities often struggle with damage and limited resources for extended periods. The nonprofit Hometown Organizing Project is stepping in to help. Through their Climate Protection Canvass initiative, they are forming teams to support communities during severe storms. .
Researchers at the University of Maine are working to develop a more resilient electric power grid to withstand the growing number of climate change-related weather events. The goal is to help communities disproportionately impacted by such events build locally controlled microgrids fueled by renewable energy. Sharon Klein, associate professor of economics at the University of Maine, said rural and remote communities identified as socially vulnerable often face the greatest effects when power lines go down. .