In my car. ] the real Reason Congress is banning tiktok. Hey, where are you guys moving these kids to this black car . Well, why dons black t we takee kids to school . But. Oh, my god. , joe bidens Child Trafficking Scheme exposed. Youl why are you getting in my face . Barbara, if you could describe what his Prison Experience might be like, you think Melaniience Mia will bring stufo the prison for him . The liberal fantasy of lockingr him . He liber up trus crashing down. Plus, thats what Christopher Columbus brought with him. L, Satanought Alcoho and with him. It was 19 87, a bright7, and sunny day in washington, dc ,and the steps of capitol hill a looked like a Punk Rock Concert when membersk of congress began Sledge Hammering boomboxes. Does the punishment fit the crime . After all, many companies, including american firms, have been found selling havt to the russians, members and members of congress arent smashing their productfs. E the second question, however, may be even more to
plus, it works well.people fewer people die on the operating table when you do it that way.when you do it for generations. this is how american society ran. if you were smart and you worked hard, you could compete. i m pretty much equal footing against anyone else in america.. they tell you that was neverallh true, but it was true. it was called the american o dream. the re moved here from allver oe the world to partake in that system. but there was a political problem with it. if you ve gooutt a mérida kraddc society, it s pretty hard to play race politics because raced to plays no role in advancement. individual initiative is what matters. group interests are irrelevant in a meritocracy. now,group in that may sound idyc to you. it may sound like the kind of country you d want to live in, but for the democraticcrat party, it was a disaster.ic p get your voters to the polls if they re not racially aggrieved? it s harde of. so at the tail end of the civilo rights move
laura: sounds like a campaigs speech, governor. people are noticingech, whate are doing in virginia and why we get so much attention. laura: i am not ruling it out, we are going to hold our g house and flip ouroi senate andn show folks in 24 short months you can take a blue state that was lost and turn it red. laura: results, governor youngkin, thank you so much foru stopping by. or i look forward to being wih you frequently. laura: as trump is trump is indicted, biden goes onyo vacation. raymon hd arroyo has l that, seen and unseen is next.
again. n they began widespread campaigs of de platforming, censorship,cs algorithmic game playing and meddling in all of our elections on behalf of their favored democrat candidates. ectionthis really did. i think the perfect exampledate is this story where we ares. learning so much about what lean twitter did to suppress free speeched and debate aboutch and the biden family business and its possible corruption that was in this biden laptop story and learning details. we need learning who wasolved, involved, how much democratss tt were involved in suppressing this news that americans hady rh every right to know before election day was kept from them by these bad actors.o to mike , i want to go to you, because as you read what matt taibbi is releasing with his sub stack, number9 wa nine point number nine is that celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party. okay, then i t goes on to say
they make all ofs these laws that make no sense or if they have a high crime, okay, i have. a solution that slice, i different. the police. right. they make this analysis herel ot and you see alhil these campaigs define the police. you will see this campaign sdefe you know, let s allowthis shoplifting up to this amount. they make this this theseese de decisioncis openly . it s not even secret. they make it. they they made them. they make them openly . and we we all know what would be the consequence of it. a defunding of the police allow for shoplifting, give drugs to drug addicts, you know, give money for people to stop work. what would be the consequence of it? w ll destroy them. destr you will destroy the society or destroy the city. city, will destroy the economy. and it s not only a logical