The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services is hiring hundreds of workers. They need correctional officers, maintenance staff and more.
crowd nats of spraying/screamin news truck.. flipped over. the other chaas that nraveled at penn state overnight.. in reaction to head coach jje paterno being fired. i can t the third one i can t. oops! and. it might be a good plan if he could just remember it.the big blunder presidentiallcandidate rick and what he s now saying about the mistake. &p3 3 -fog -southwest baltimore thursday, novvmber 10th - dorchester and kent county 2 hours late - queen anne s counny schools 90 minutes late 3 - 3 court map map 175 map old - 3 &p3 a fox 45 investigation on knives in city schools. has resulted in some new developmeets this morning.. illegal knives being sold at a city-owned market.megan gilliland is live frommhollins market with more on the changes now taking place. plaae.good morning patrice, most people come to holliis market. for the food. and up unttl recennly. they came to this city market tt buy somethinggillegal. illeealltake a look at the dangerous knives we found being s