It was all the way back in November of 2022 that Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile first appeared on the App Store for pre-order. At that time there was an expected release date listed of May 15th, 2023 but it was believed that that was just a placeholder date and that Activision wasn t sure exa.
CHATHAM, NH During a long-planned excursion with his family through the White Mountain National Forest, 12-year-old Austin Tanden is said to have spent an entire hiking trip Tuesday fantasizing about exactly which video games he would play when he got home. “First, I’m going to boot up Fortnite and see if any of my…
With Ricochet down, cheaters have been running amok in Ranked Play. (Photo : Activision/Photo taken from Twitter) Things are getting out of hand in Call of Duty: Warzone as cheaters have become so brazen about using hacks to ruin the fun for everyone.