Keonna Simon, the winner of the Prime Minister’s award for 2022 has settled into life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where she hopes to read for a degree in computational biology.
PATRICK MARMION: From the moment Tony, played by Charlie Baker, is born - a big cheesy grin already plastered on his face - I knew I was in for a treat.
This summer, the Belgrade Theatre’s Main Stage plays host to a gripping new political thriller. Dead Lies is the debut play from best-selling crime novelist Hilary Bonner, and stars Hollyoaks and Holby City actor Jeremy Edwards, playing from Weds 29 – Thurs 30 June.
It really is a story for our time - a tale of electioneering, political intrigue, scandal and secrets, brought to the stage in Dead Lies, which opened at New Theatre last night.