In June, three students from Lamoine Consolidated School’s Team Engineering Challenge team made history by being the first middle school team to go to Atlanta, Georgia to compete at the National Leadership and SkillsUSA Conference. Benjamin Baldridge, Ian Frost, and Jordan Chan fundraised over $10,000 to attend the weeklong conference and compete in the world’s … Continue reading Lamoine Students First Middle School Students from Maine to Compete at National SkillsUSA Competition in Atlanta
(Pictured: A student operating heavy equipment in a simulator as part of the Heavy Equipment contest at SkillsUSA) Career and Technical Education (CTE) is growing in Maine, and it was all the more evident at the SkillsUSA Maine State Championships held in Bangor recently. Students enrolled in the many career and technical education (CTE) programs … Continue reading Students Showcase Their Expertise at Annual SkillsUSA Championships in Bangor
(Pictured: A student operating heavy equipment in a simulator as part of the Heavy Equipment contest at SkillsUSA) Career and Technical Education (CTE) is growing in Maine, and it was all the more evident at the SkillsUSA Maine State Championships held in Bangor recently. Students enrolled in the many career and technical education (CTE) programs … Continue reading Students Showcase Their Expertise at Annual SkillsUSA Championships in Bangor