that if there s a new fbi revelation, justified story, by all means, it s at the expect of the markets, the tax cuts overshadows everything. neil: i figure we have three 24 hours news station, a few business stations. we have time to get into it all. it s one of the other. people go with what is hot, what sells. we can do both. i m passionate about it. the evidence is that we re not doing both and i think it s hurting us more than it s hurting donald trump. neil: how do you respond whether the president zings you and in the early days he took great offense? line by line would remember it. but then he he would still talk to me. neil: absolutely. how did you respond and move on? others take it to the nth degree. we have thick skins. i defend myself and try to put it aside. neil: would you go to the extend of saying look what he did today. that s personal. politicians don t liked what we