Cat’s Meow Comedy presents another First Friday standup comedy show at Rusty Bus Brewing at 7 p.m. on Dec. 1. Featured comedians include Dennis Fogg, Sara Poulin, Brian O’Connor, Kevin Ryan and host Ann-Marie Keene.Dennis Fogg is a veteran of comedy who has performed in 37 states and three different countrie, but he’s still always […]
A First Friday standup comedy show presented by Cat’s Meow Comedy featuring comedians Mona Forgione, Leland Newton, Ian Rice, Erin Feeley, and hosted by Ann-Marie Keene, will start at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6, at Rusty Bus Brewing in Lewiston Forgione is a Massachusetts born and raised comedian, now settled in New Hampshire. She’s […]
Comedians Johnny Ater, Mike Gray, Mike Levinsky, Brett Groh and host Ann-Marie Keene will deliver another First Friday standup comedy show presented by Cat’s Meow Comedy starting at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 1, at Rusty Bus Brewing in Lewiston. Ater is the winner of the 2022 Maine’s Wicked Funny Laugh-Off competition. He’s appeared on […]
Comedians Johnny Ater, Mike Gray, Mike Levinsky, Brett Groh and host Ann-Marie Keene will deliver another First Friday standup comedy show presented by Cat’s Meow Comedy starting at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 1, at Rusty Bus Brewing in Lewiston. Ater is the winner of the 2022 Maine’s Wicked Funny Laugh-Off competition. He’s appeared on […]
A First Friday standup comedy show presented by Cat’s Meow Comedy will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 4, at Rusty Bus Brewing in Lewiston. Featured comedians include Crystal Bernard, Tim Hofmann, Ben Chadwick, Cory Nicholson, and host Ann-Marie Keene. Crystal Bernard has been a finalist in New England’s Funniest Comic competition, and […]