Cold-blooded hosts, particularly exotic frogs, have become a newly recognized reservoir for atypical Brucella species and strains worldwide, but their pathogenicity to humans remains largely unknown. Here we report the isolation of a B. inopinata strain (FO700662) from a diseased White's Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) in Switzerland. Originally identified as Ochrobactrum based on its rapid growth and biochemical profile, strain FO700622 was positive for the Brucella-specific markers bcsp31 and IS711. It showed the specific banding pattern of B. inopinata in conventional Bruce-ladder multiplex PCR and also had identical 16S rRNA and recA gene sequences as B. inopinata. Subsequent genome sequencing followed by core genome-based MLST (cgMLST) analysis using 2704 targets (74% of the total chromosome) revealed only 173 allelic differences compared to the type strain of B. inopinata BO1T, while previously considered the closest related strain BO2 differed in 2046 alleles. The overall avera
Monkeypox word is seen on the screen of a smartphone and the World Health Organization (WHO) logo in the background. Authorities in Australia, France and Germany confirmed their first cases of monkeypox on Friday as the normally rare disease continues to crop up in a growing number of countries arou.
The recent monkeypox outbreak has reached Belgium, France, and Germany, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to call for an emergency meeting. The global health agency discussed ways to address the surge and prevent it from spreading any further.
Spanish authorities are investigating whether parties on the tourist island of Gran Canaria have been the source of several monkeypox infections, El País
A patient in the German state of Bavaria has been infected with monkeypox, according to the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich. First cases were also detected in France and Belgium.