It is vital to ensure that the expertise within the dry processing industry is not lost and that our aging specialists pass on their wisdom to future generations
Join experts from the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology for these online events. To register please click on the relevant heading and you will be taken through to the registration .
Powder Show Digital Flow, an ongoing series of digital events presented by the organizers of the
International Powder & Bulk Solids (iPBS) Conference & Exhibition. Taking place Thursday, February 18, the online event will provide technical education, product demonstrations, and virtual networking opportunities to the powder & bulk solids processing community. Online attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the practical benefits of Industry 5.0 technologies in dry manufacturing processes, learn how to make an effective business case for dust hazard analysis, and get a data-driven look at how the pandemic is driving changes in global supply chain strategies and the impacts to the powder & bulk solids sector.