The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from illinois reserves. The gentleman from missouri is recognized. Mr. Graves i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from missouri reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. I yield one minute to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from providence, rhode recognized for one minute. Mr. Cicilline thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Infrastructure is stuck in the 1950s, and it doesnt have to be. Fact, past time for congress to bring our bridges, roads, schools into the 21st century. American people gave democrats control of the u. S. House last year because we for the people. Higher wages, lower costs, and ooting out corruption in washington. The moving forward act delivers on that promise. It creates millions of time when jobs at a they are needed most. More than 40 million unemployment claims have been this since the start of pand
Tonight she tells us quote my motion last night was the appropriate first step in making the fieldhouse a reality. How can we estimated seven Million Dollars if we dont know the lay and where the building identified kelly goes on to say we on council agree that this would be a Significant Economic Development opportunity for Western Branch Marcella Robertson thirteen years now now one of the co levels friends is speaking out she was a thirteen year old allegedly killed by two Virginia Tech students Natasha Brian says she warned her friend about David Eisenhower months before her kidnapping and murder. Ryan also said she had a feeling that level could be heading for trouble when she started talking to older boys online i told her that stuff safe and mash into talking older guys because she she might get hurt really really really bad cant believe hes not breathing now and now shes free spirit and just before christmas levels father david found out she was chatting online with older man a
Customers of the depended so people get with the Department One way or another it is either professional or a homeowner but dealings with the department over the last years okay. Did that include people filing complaints or getting permits. Yeah. It included on the survey we did did phone and intercept it the phone involved permitting and the other for dbi Office Coming in with interviews it involved both. The goals of the project was to assess customer prospective and satisfaction the dbi services with the end product something dbi used for Strategic Planning in the future the project itself i talked about the difference in the fullness of the project a robust survey over one thousand customers same side both the folks and the enter accepted in the dbi building there was also a qualitative two focus groups two of the groups down with individuals that had more interactions with dbi four or five interactions and did a group of people that were less familiar with dbi less interaction an
I apologizing for the late stat some president s announcements thank you to commissioner walker and chief Housing Inspector for their participation in supervisor president london breed town hall meeting on tenants rights held on december 3rd from the retirement board anticipate responded to questions for about 50 attendees thank you for your Participation Commission im happy happy to report from 16 by the building inspection the tire shop that is getting a lot of press was elevated and found to be pub save safety hazardous so it has been demolished and per direction director hueys due to the owners failure to meet the deadline the digital will be adding couldnt to achieve owner compliance with stieptd as to insure Public Safety in those situations thank you director for your participation in getting that done and congratulation to dbi for the websites key action step homeownerships and Property Managers for the storm situations with el nino from the prospective those are practical like
Welcom ready to begin. Good morning today is tuesday, september 22, 2015. This is the regular meeting of the department of Building Inspection Commission id like a remind everyone to turn off electronic devices. Roll call. Commissioner president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray he is expected commissioner walker and commissioners french is expected and commissioner melberger is updated. Welcome to the bic meeting of tuesday, december 15, 2015. I apologizing for the late stat some president s announcements thank you to commissioner walker and chief Housing Inspector for their participation in supervisor president london breed town hall meeting on tenants rights held on december 3rd from the retirement board anticipate responded to questions for about 50 attendees thank you for your Participation Commission im happy happy to report from 16 by the building inspection the tire shop that is getting a lot of press was elevated and found to be pub save safety haz